
Hello guys…

Remember when I mentioned I wanted to be reading more? Well, there’s a good sign I’m going to start taking it serious 🙂

Okay, I read this book years ago, while I was still in Pharmacy School right on my phone and I found it to be quite amusing at the time.

And so, 2013 comes up and I found a way to retrieve the ebook since my phone went bad and I didn’t regret it. It was good to read a Modern Day Jane Austen.

Did I tell you Jane Austen Is One of my Favorite Authors? She’s good at what She does and I had to watch the Motion picture of her Pride and Prejudice recently and I had a great time doing so.


Book Review

Prom and Prejudice is a good re-telling of Pride and Prejudice and It gives you the Modern View of Lizzie Bennet’s Life as a Student in one of these rich popular schools where She is a scholarship student who’s there to study Music and so this dream of hers is what motivates her to ignore all the snobbish behaviours of the rich students of Longbourn Academy even when they keep spilling things like Milkshakes on her in the hallway.

Ok, that was just once though…

And then, In comes Darcy. Charming, good looks, cool but looks and acts cocky to Lizzie on the first day they meet.

Things begin to happen and …….

I’m not going to spoil this book for you. This is the first I’m reading from Elizabeth Eulberg and I can say I enjoyed it because

-It was Clean. As in, I don’t need to skip pages because of unwarranted sex and so I can recommend it to young adults, teenagers and people who don’t mind reading a modern version of Pride and Prejudice.

-It’s a sweet get away from all these supernatural serenren i.e Vampire, Angels, demons and Werewolves falling in love with a human being. Gosh! Can they just stop already? It’s getting so Cliche that It’s starting to make me raise an eyebrow. Where did Real Love start involving Demons and Vampires and other creepy things that I can’t imagine?

-It doesn’t have so many pages. As an ebook, It had 392 pages while the Paperback is 231 pages. So it’s something you can read when you feel like lazying around in the house and be done with it as soon as possible.

Above all, It was an interesting read.


Here’s Me Wishing You A Prosperous and Wonderful New Year Ahead. Anticipate your new year gift o..wink*** Have Faith 🙂

So, What Books have you read that you found worthwhile and do you plan on reading more in the coming 2014?

Drop your comments below!

Much love. xo!

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